The innovative,
fetal smart-sync
Empowers you with greater diagnostic confidence and state-of-the-art parental counseling. *
smart-sync enables a brand-new kind of image quality providing valuable information for your diagnosis and allowing the parents to understand what's happening.
Problem solved
For the first time, the innovative smart-sync delivers instant crisp images of the fetal heart.
The direct synchronization of the fetal heart cycle with the MRI System provides access to pin sharp imaging - both intracardiac and extracardiac. That way, you can examine function, morphology and hemodynamics.
We are
CE, Health Canada and FDA certified!
Assisting on all levels

Integrates easily in your clinical workflow
smart-sync detects cardiac motion and synchronizes the fetal cardiac cycle with the MR image acquisition. In that way, fetal CMR becomes possible and can be used for anatomical and functional imaging.
The quick setup in less than three minutes requires no special training. smart-sync utilizes standard cardiac MR sequences, being a plug and play solution that can be easily incorporated in your daily workflow. Its clinical utility is proven: smart-sync helps with delivery planning, organization of early postnatal care an provides valuable information for parental counseling.
Hear from Doctors using smart-sync
Read how doctors are using smart-sync in their clinical practice and in which cases fetal cardiac MRI is of additional value.
You can find all case reports and customer experience interviews in the download section.

Benefits for the entire team
Every member of your team will profit from the use of smart-sync

Help parents-to-be cope with the enormous level of emotional stress they are facing.

Experience a brand-new kind of image quality answering diagnostic questions related to the fetal heart and - as a result - reducing uncertainty, allowing everyone to understand what's happening: You, the parents as well as the whole team.

Empower yourself: Performing fetal CMR will broaden your knowledge on CHD for a next-level understanding of the disease.

Master instant and high-quality prenatal MRI: smart-sync unlocks state-of-the-art MR sequences for the fetal heart, ensuring high-quality imaging and leading to greater diagnostic confidence.

Broaden your buiness by offering an entire mapping of the fetus including its heart and close a portfolio gap which has lasted too long.

"The direct gating with ultrasound will be a game-changer for the clinical use of fetal cardiac MRI"
Michael Seed, Division Head Cardiology, sick Kids Hospital Toronto
Convince yourself of the vast possibilities
From 4-chamber-view over short-axis-stack to dynamic 4D-flow, all the cardiac sequences you know from MRI can be applied to the fetal heart.
If your staff are familiar with adult or pediatric cardiac MRI, there is no additional training required to use smart-sync successfully from the first scan on. Slight adaptations for the fetus can be done by yourself or you can use the Exam Cards we provide.
You can download them here:

Headphones provide acoustic feedback for convenient localization of the heart
MR Safe cable ensures compatibility with 1.5T & 3.0T MR systems
Transducer detects fetal heartbeat. It is artefact-free and built with wings for easy fastening
Sensor Box communicates trigger signal wirelessly to MR scanner